Once Bittern!!

December 05, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Every year one of the most sought after on a birders list, is the Bittern. So well camouflaged and skulking in reed beds they are really difficult to find especially if they stand still. So hearing of one or more really showy Bitterns it was a non brianer, Just had to have a go. Two days in a Hide tries your patience to the max and you butt muscles thank goodness the stools had comfy bum tops. and so it was settle down and wait, and wait and wait,,, there in flight... So first sighting got. And then thirty minutes later it was there in front and doing the skulking along a dyke edge as it peered into the water intent on finding food. All of a sudden it was out in the open on the dyke top in plain view,,, hold breathe and press shutter gently, don't fluff it now, phew in the bag now for a few, no  lots more as it settled down to preen. unbelievable.



BitternBittern BitternBittern


Well I did say a few more, the above are some of the action as it kept doing it's thing, my best opportunity to date. so as you can imagine took loads. several long distance flight shots were taken but not good enough for the Blog. Well there you have it Once Bittern! twice excited.

That was not all look out for the Marsh Harriers and Cetti's in the next release..

Cheers Paul.


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