April Showers and Highway robbery??

April 12, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Well! it didn't take long for April and spring to arrive, bringing with it the customary rain showers and the herald of Spring, those brilliant displays of flowers everywhere you go. The local woods went mad with snow drops and Daffs brightening up the woodland walks. And of course the onset of the phenomenal annual migration, not withstanding the annual slaughter of millions of birds at the hands of the southern Europeans, shotgun for a nightingale, I mean Really? about as necessary as an emergency immersion suit in the desert.. k mini rant nearly over. The other bee in the bonnet is hide etiquette you know the sort of thing slamming doors, loud noise, talking so mate in next hide can hear you and uncontrolled children!! and of course throwing you pointy finger out the window to point at a kingfisher perched just outside the hide! Is it worth going on? no cause it will go on as long as people ignore it,, well enough is enough I say tell them to keep noise down or turn up the hearing aid, you know the rest.

So how was the week? it was really good, even if it was about a week too early for the main migration, but there was stuff aplenty to see and photograph around the reserves, apart from one which belongs to the NWT, Holme charges £4.25 per person to go round and £4.25 parking, I mean close on £15 quid?? for two peeps and car

NO WAY Jose, was I paying that it's extortion. Take a look at the place and you will see where I'm coming from. or is it a ploy to get people to join the NWT as it works out cheaper if you have regular monthly or weekly visits?

Ok I hear you, get to the piccies! okay dokay here you go with a selection the other goodly stuff is on the portfolio for your perusal.

Cetti's-WarblerCetti's Warbler Cetti's-WarblerCetti's Warbler



Barn Owl

Ruff wing stretchRuff wing stretch


Water Rail close inWater Rail close in

Water Rail

there you go that's the first batch of interesting shots for now, the rest will follow as soon as they are gone through ,,, OK! who groaned ;-)

as usual not enough time when its good light and not raining to spend time at the puter thingy.


So until the next Blog

keep the comments coming in on the guest book on the home page.










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