I just can't stop laughing ! latest predictive text "Corbyn 19"

March 18, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

 Yesterday in a conversation on birding over the phone, the other person asked "so what do you think of this Avian Flu? having such a devastating impact on everyone"

 Sorry what do you mean? this Corvid 19 flu thing!" i  near wet myself , and am still chuckling!!!

 So how was the weekend, well it turned out just fine with some cracking species in front of thee lens. so without further  ado here goes.


 A Short-eared Owl downed by the wind at Parkgate and not to happy about it.


A smiley Great white Egret  at Parkgate in the High Tides and strong winds.


A Common Scoter at Benllech Anglesey


Common Scoter on a fly around (Benllech)


 Black Guillemot on the change (1St winter) (Benllech)


A Razorbill also changing to Summer plumage. (Benllech)


Water Rail running for the hills. (Parkgate)


This one waited for the right moment to make dash for it. (Parkgate)

A little tale on this one,, It was grabbed by a crow as it ran for the safety of the wall at the old bath house car park, So after some struggling the crow dropped it and it landed on the forward edge of the incoming tide, where it stayed either in shock or being a clever Water rail! . So as the water pushed it closer the Crow was hanging around, but eventually gave up the rail waited about an hour and suddenly got up and legged it for the shore , nice to see a few getting away..

There you are nice easy one today, Anglesey again proved worth the time getting there and the sun shone all day, so a brill day along the coast. A brucey bonus was the 5 Chough sat on the ridge tiles of the house next to the RSPB car park well good

Hope to be allowed out to do some more proper birding shortly as on lockdown at the moment Bugger!  missing so much, still with all those people spreading their germs about reckon it is the best place to be. 

So we shall see what happens next.




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