14 of March moved to lockdown,,, 06 of June still here ,

June 07, 2020  •  Leave a Comment


  You could be forgiven for thinking this was taken this spring, BUT! no, either way though, the look of "surprise" on his! face is brill, as she escapes his attentions for a short while before realisation of where she had gone.

People looking out for Hares performing out in the Shropshire fields have not been reporting to many at all when compared to prior years. which leads me to a conclusion that , COVID-19 has stopped observations or Shooting parties are having a whale of a time trying to exterminate the breeding population in Shropshire of many species!. When was the last time you saw Jugged Hare on a Menu or breast of pigeon ?  (Mmmm! with laver) or found for sale Pheasant, Qual, Grouse  and other so called game species. even wood pigeons plucked and fillited.

Well I for one one do not lament the passing of the poulterer ( if that's the right word for it) I remember as a Kid growing up in North Devon walking past the shop with all the bounty provided by the countryside around us , hanging in the open entrance strangley enough sustainably managed by the people them selves, As were the fish caught of off the coast. Before Factory Ships.


The values of the folks of that and outlying villages were amazing, nothing was wasted ,got extra pass it on for a farthing or halfpenny, in a l;ot of cases free ,to help a family. Mind you never give details of its origin in case the local magistrate sent the bobbies around to feel your collar! But then as now I believe , before landowners started grubbing out hedge rows, killing trees that were stood in the way of "progress"!! the love of nature was and is  a deep seated  and deep rooted feeling  in people , as we are learning now , the benefits the soil, trees, and green spaces give us will help us all if we leave it to do it's amazing healing work.

Ramble over!!


Brown Hare_filteredBrown Hare_filtered

 Brown hare chasing a Raven

Brown-Hare-tastingBrown-Hare-tasting Is this one edible?


Local Red Fox.

Otter-20150322-BNOtter-20150322-BN Dog Otter another local boy



Looking for the wildlife we all love.

So that is it, short, bit rambling and probably leaving you wandering what's he going on about?

Well we have been given an opportunity to commune with nature greater than any time since  WW2

don't squander it embrace it especially the children they can help to heal and protect the Natural World if we give them tools they need from us.



Paul A king



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